In the world of postsecondary education, scholarships and federal financial aids are the scarcest resources. With the costs of education growing uncontrollably, these monetary respites are usually not enough for someone who comes from an average income household to pursue higher education.
In the face of this dilemma, a glint of hope can be seen in private student loans. Compared to a federal student loan, the interest rates on a private student loan can be steeper. On the upside, where federal student loans only offer a limited borrowable amount, which usually falls short of the total academic expenses, private student loans offer higher loanable amounts which can augment the shortcoming of federal loans, federal aid or scholarship grants.
Compared to a federal loan, there are lesser requirements for a private student loan. To gain eligibility for federal aid, you have to prove that you are indeed of low socioeconomic standing. On the other hand, almost everyone with a good credit standing can avail themselves of private student loans.
When looking for private student loans and later on, private student loan consolidations, make sure that you explore all options. Look for lenders with good reputations. For example,Cedar Education Lending can give you very competitive deals on your student loans and loan consolidations.