Cedar Education Lending makes an effort to provide helpful information. The articles below provide valuable insight that offer perspective and understanding when it comes to student lending and student loan consolidation.
Can I consolidate government loans with private student loan consolidation
When considering the consolidation of one’s student loans, the question remains can government student loans be consolidated with private student loans?
How do I find out who is servicing my student loan?
For those who have borrowed via government student loan programs, a good place to start when searching for your loan servicer is with the National Student Loan Data System, or NSLDS.
Help with Student Loan Consolidation
There are a few lenders that can help with student loan consolidation and refinance. We help you sort out what to look for.
How does student loan consolidation affect your credit rating?
In making it easier to pay off student loan debt, many borrowers turn to student loan consolidation. This process can truly be a win-win situation.
Who can be my student loan cosigner?
It is important to keep in mind that the cosigner should be someone who has a good credit history, as the reason that the cosigner is needed is to help the student borrower obtain the funds that they need. Therefore, if an individual does not possess a good credit history, then it is unlikely that they would make for a good cosigner.
Who is eligible?
To apply for an Student Loan Consolidation or Refinance, you must be a graduate of an eligible school.
What can I spend my student loans on?
Funds are generally intended for students to spend on other education-related items such as books, supplies, transportation, and related miscellaneous expenses.
Student Loan Consolidation Programs
In addition to student loan consolidation programs for government backed student loans, there are also student loan consolidation programs that are available for those who possess private student loans.
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